Are you celebrating your 18th birthday in January?

Here are the tips from the Party Stylist for a fabulous birthday!

Looking for ideas for an 18-year-old birthday in January? Then you can’t miss this post for a truly spectacular success. If you were born in January, you don’t like half-measures: natural, gritty and ambitious leaders, leave the nuances to those who are less determined than you. That’s why the must of winter 2019 to celebrate an eighteenth is just right for you. The absolute protagonist is in fact the total white, white as a dove and dazzling as the snow. You understand, for your eighteen years you are entitled to wear a dress worthy of a bride. And what about the installation? Here, too, white triumphs undisputed, like the glittering kingdom of an ice queen. Are you ready to light up your guests?

How to celebrate an eighteenth in January: as pure as a lily

For your 18th birthday, will you celebrate with close friends and relatives? The password, in this case, is bon ton. The ideal outfit is a very elegant, glued longuette dress, perhaps with balloon sleeves and honeycomb weave to make it even more refined. To further slenderen the figure, choose a hairstyle with chignon gathered on the nape of the neck. The effect will be that of an enchanting white swan, a symbol of natural beauty and transformation. For the table and the decorations, opt for the delicate grace of the white roses and a tablecloth with immaculate whiteness. The lights will be soft and clear, to create a soft and harmonious atmosphere.

How to celebrate an eighteenth in January: as sensual as the moon

Do you prefer an intriguing appeal to the whiteness of innocence? No problem. A white lace dress, fitted to highlight the silhouette, assures you all the sensuality you are looking for. Pair it with high-heeled sandals and jewel earrings that recall the precious details of a clutch bag. Your aura of seduction will make you as enchanting as the moon and unattainable as a unicorn. The ideal flower for your table can only be the tulip. In the ancient East of the Ottoman Empire, the sultans paid homage to its flowering with sumptuous feasts, as a symbol of power and wealth. For you it will be synonymous with intellectual charm and feminine energy, to be reflected in the magical glow of white candles.

How to celebrate an eighteenth in January: as noble as a princess

For your 18 years of age, do you want a truly regal look? Choose an impeccable total white suit, with clean and defined lines, to walk like a Greek goddess. Go-ahead for wide wheel sleeves or long cape suits. The ideal shoe will be with heel and strap, to match with clutch jewel or with a snowy silk bow. Class is your credo and the table will honor you, with tall candelabra and crystal and silver glasses. The flower par excellence? The magnificent white hydrangea, a symbol of sincerity and love ready to blossom.

For your 18-year-old holiday, would you like a personal consultation?
Do not hesitate to contact me for exclusive advice for your special occasion.


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