An intimate and sweet birthday. I helped my dear friend Pina plan her fiftieth birthday party: we had an elegant family party with our children, in a quite traditional style enhanced by some creative and contemporary details.

The location we chose was Fattoria La Serra in Carmignano: a small villa nestled in the wonderful Tuscan countryside, furnished in a white, bright and contemporary style. We picked some decorations that blended in perfectly with the villa’s interior design: transparent glass balls with a candle inside, big cream-colored peonies and green leaves provided by Tiziana from the Baldesi florist.

The fifty guests- Pina’s dearest friends- had drinks in the main room with big windows giving onto the hills. Dinner was served in the closed veranda, a winter garden surrounded by greenness. The starry sky served as the backdrop to this lovely winter party with a surprise at the end: Gerardo proposing to Pina.


Festa dei 50 anni di Pina

Festa dei 50 anni di Pina

Festa dei 50 anni di Pina


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