
Outfit a Quadri

Afternoon flowers

Of course, this floral and colorful fashion trend appeals strongly to my Southern spirit. So, for what turned out to be the first sunny afternoon of the season, I wore this outfit with flowers and berries that seem straight out of a fairy garden, in vibrant and lively green , accessories included. All by Babylon Bus. …


In this case, I played on the maxi proportions, in addition to the red-pink color combination, that is to say, trendy at its best. The jacket and pants are loose-fitting, but they flatter the figure thanks to the ultra-feminine colors. …

Tendenza a Quadri - Grigio

Tailleur mon amour

An even more sophisticated and elegant alternative – if possible! – to the wide-legged linen pants look, while still playing on the red-pink theme: a classic suit with bow blouse, loosely inspired by Gucci, but less showy. Perfectly suitable for a cocktail party or an afternoon event as well. …

How to use orange, 2017 summer’s trendiest color

Just a dash here and there… In this case, orange, 2017 summer’s trendiest color, is only a detail appearing here and there across the pants’ tropical design. It brightens up the elegant beige blouse with tight-waisted cardigan; it makes the ladylike bag look more casual. An elegant overall look, but in sync with the season’s fashion trends. All by Rose Noir. …

Variations on green

A very easy but far from ordinary look: a bottle green blouse flatters both brunettes and blondes, and the small, upturned collar is elegant and frames the face. Equally beautiful are the high-waisted, sand-colored pants by Zara. I feel perfect while staying budget-friendly, how about you? …

Couture Division

I picked a pair of Aspesi pants again but more comfortable and darker colored this time, paired with a blouse by Zara, and very feminine Sebastian pumps. However, the piece de resistance of my outfit is the Forte Couture safari jacket with military shoulder straps and glitter collar….chic and for everyday wear, it pairs beautifully with a total white outfit. …

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